mother light
Childhood Cancer is a disease that requires a long, invasive and painful treatment. In most cases, the mothers are the children's exclusive dedication companions. Mothers and their children go through exhausting phases together in a devastating process where self-love is tested. At this time, it is essential to encourage your appreciation and care for your physical and mental well-being. The Mãe Luz Project aims to rescue the self-esteem of the mothers of children assisted by the GACC-RN, through a joint action of several partners.
Every year, 12 mothers from the institution are invited to participate in a true "princess day", with the right to a beauty salon and photo shoot. Mothers rediscover themselves through the photographic exhibition held later, where they are encouraged to renew their strength to continue their ongoing struggle in search of the cure of their children.
Project objectives:
Rescue the self-esteem of mothers accompanying children assisted by the GACC-RN;
Reinforce mothers' concern for their own physical and mental well-being;
Promote greater interaction between mothers;
Promote closer ties with employees and mothers' comfort within the institution;
Diversify the sources of income for the maintenance of the house;
Support the image of the GACC-RN through a product that exposes the quality of the work developed by the institution.
Care day at the beauty salon for mothers, followed by a professional photo shoot;
Each mother is photographed individually by a professional in beautiful cityscapes;
The GACC-RN provides, together with the partners, the transport, the hall and all the necessary structure;
The photographs undergo treatment and reach the mothers through a picture frame and digital copy;
The photos are displayed at the GACC-RN headquarters and/or open to the public;
The Mãe Luz Agenda is produced with photos of the project to be sold and contribute to the institution's expenses.
Return to partners:
Social responsibility marketing;
Possible visibility in the main communication channels of the state (print, radio and TV) through articles that exalt the importance of the project;
Inclusion of the partner's institutional brand in the project pieces produced by the GACC-RN;
Excellent media repercussion in view of the image of the institution, which is one of the most respected philanthropic entities in RN;