Flor de Cactos (Classe Domiciliar / Pedagógico).
Project objectives:
Encourage children's creativity in a playful way;
Expand the possibilities of expression and present musical works composed and performed by children and for children;
Improvement and elevation of self-esteem;
Sharpen children's musical sensitivity, intellect, psychic, concentration, emotional balance and self-confidence.
The project will include percussion and musical expression workshops, working on harmony, poetry and composition, resulting in a 10-track CD;
Artists, producers and music professionals in the state will participate in the process with the children, from the conception of the songs to the recording of the album.
The CD "Flor de Cactos" will be on sale at the institution's store and will contribute to the maintenance of the Group.
When the art teacher Rafaela Brito joined the Group in 2016 as a volunteer, the goal was to do some workshops and awaken the artistic interest of the children and teenagers being assisted. The artist united children's painting and musicalization in her workshops and worked all the children's creative potential. The workshops worked so well that the children did not let her go and the teacher became part of the institution's staff.
Rafaela realized that in addition to knowledge, these two fields of art, music and painting, are able to positively access the emotional state of children.
The GACC-RN band received the name "Flor de Cacti", an analogy between the difficulties in fighting cancer, represented by the thorns of the plant, and the talent that emerges in sensitive moments, which are the flowers that sprout in the midst of pain and suffering. More than that, the cactus is a symbol of strength and resilience in arid environments, growing with the power of the sun and strengthening with its surroundings.
Return to partners:
Social responsibility marketing;
Possible visibility in the main communication channels of the state (print, radio and TV) through articles that exalt the importance of the project;
Inclusion of the partner's institutional brand in the project pieces produced by the GACC-RN;
Excellent media repercussion in view of the image of the institution, which is one of the most respected philanthropic entities in RN;
cactus flower
Objetivo Geral:
Gravação do CD infantil Flores de Cactos, com 10 faixas compostas e interpretadas por crianças atendidas pelo GACC RN e feito para crianças. As composições são fruto do trabalho da artista Rafaela Brito em suas oficinas de arte, percussão e poesia, junto as crianças atendidas pelo GACC RN, todas as faixas são de composições originais e tratam de temas infantis vividos pelas crianças, comparticipação de artistas locais.
Parceiro Mantenedor: COSERN.
Data de Início: 01/05/2021.
Data de Término: 01/12/2021.
Responsável interno pela execução: Equipe Multidisciplinar.
Flor de Cactos Bem Estar e Saúde.
Objetivo Geral:
Realizar atividades de bem estar para dar suporte aos 3 grupos integrantes do GACC/RN (Assistidos, voluntários e funcionários). A ideia é que as atividades tragam integração e esperança para os envolvidos.
Parceiro Mantenedor: UNIMED
Data de Início: 01/08/2021.
Data de Término: 01/08/2022.
Responsável interno pela execução: Equipe Multidisciplinar.