Institutional Events
Anyone who knows it knows that the GACC-RN team is never at a standstill. Whether to raise public awareness, clarify doubts for mothers or train volunteer employees, monthly meetings and lectures are held that strengthen the institution's work and bring users, volunteers and employees closer together, creating a bond of trust and solidarity. The events are designed with the objective of expanding the knowledge of those responsible and the well-being of users during treatment, evaluating the performance of the institution and also providing new possibilities for treating patients and improving the services offered .

As palestras para mães e responsáveis tem caráter educativo, levando em conta a carência de muitas famílias atendidas e o déficit de informações importantes para o tratamento dos filhos. Higiene bucal e medicação são alguns dos temas abordados nas palestras oferecidas através de profissionais parceiros e voluntários.

Todo mês é celebrada uma missa na capela do GACC-RN, localizada no quarto andar da sede. O espaço é aberto a todos presentes na instituição, que tem a capela como um espaço ecumênico de orações e reflexão.

Duas reuniões importantes acontecem periodicamente na instituição: a reunião de voluntários e a reunião de responsáveis. Cada uma delas tem a finalidade de ajustar o funcionamento da casa, tirar dúvidas a respeito de horários e procedimentos e esclarecer os deveres e direitos de cada um que compõe o grupo.

Todo mês a instituição comemora o aniversário de seus voluntários, funcionários e colaboradores, com direito a bolo e sorteio de brindes.
Annual Volunteer Meeting
Being a GACC-RN volunteer is more than donating your time, work and talent, it's more than collaborating with the well-being of others. Volunteering at the GACC-RN is to save lives by giving your love. On a daily basis, time is running out, tasks are multiple and simultaneous. Volunteers, employees and collaborators do their utmost to fulfill the institutional mission and, many times, they do not stop, do not look in the eyes, do not tell each one how fundamental they are.
The Annual Volunteer Meeting is a day when we strengthen our bonds of affection and increase our power to give. We bring together all the Group's volunteers, celebrating solidary love, which knows no limits or conditions.
The VII MEETING OF VOLUNTEERS, held in 2017, brought the theme “THE LOVE YOU DONATE, SAVES LIVES” with light lectures about love, therapeutic experiences and fraternization. It was a day to get out of the routine, to relieve tension and socialize with colleagues.
September Golden
The Golden September campaign takes place annually as part of the calendar of events in the municipality of Natal (Law No. 6540/15) with the aim of raising awareness among the population and raising awareness of the importance of early diagnosis of childhood cancer. The campaign has a special program and the participation of the GACC-RN and other Coniacc affiliates in the state capital.
The 2017 schedule will be released soon.