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The GACC-RN accommodates children or adolescents undergoing cancer or hematological treatment and companions in vulnerable situations from the capital and the interior of the state who need logistical and emotional support during treatment, normally carried out at Hospital Infantil Varela Santiago.

Benefits Offered to Users

  1. Accommodation at the institution, in a single room with fan for children/teenagers
    registered in oncological and/or hematological treatment, according to the availability of
    beds available;

  2. Food at the institution with the right to six meals a day for children/adolescents and companions;

  3. Psychosocial, Nutritional, Pedagogical, Dental and Legal Care;

  4. Assistance with medications, with the presentation of the medical prescription, whenever possible;

  5. Assistance in low and medium complexity exams, whenever necessary and possible;

  6. Funeral assistance when needed;

  7. Offer of 01 (one) BASKET BASKET per month, for each family, according to the availability of the items in the institution;

  8. Actions, events and/or entertainment activities that complement the treatment, leading the user to enjoy playful moments, of well-being and integration, according to the availability of resources.

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