The sponsors of the GACC-RN are from the state of Rio Grande do Norte and visitors who make the Institution's full functioning viable through their cash donations, through the Donation Center or bank transfer, or donations of supplies, such as food and hygiene products, or even donating services and volunteer work.
The GACC-RN employs all possible efforts to ensure the good use of donations, whether human resources or materials, and carry out its work with maximum transparency, certain that only through this practice is it able to attract more and more employees and sustain the credibility inherent in the reputable institution that it is.
Balance Sheets:
Dados Mensais
Balanço Patrimoniais
Management report
Where do donations go?
The GACC-RN is a non-profit public entity, so all donations are destined to the functioning of the headquarters in the reception and needs of children. As a support house, the GACC-RN does not provide hospital services, but provides social, psychological, nutritional and educational support to all users, in addition to six meals a day and transfers to hospitals. All hosted families also receive a basic food basket per month to help meet their most basic needs.

Todas as doações são fiscalizadas pelo Conselho Fiscal e registrada pelo nosso escritório de contabilidade com registro ativo no CRC; Metodos Contabilidade .
Conselho Fiscal:
O GACC-RN emprega todos os esforços possíveis para garantir o bom uso das doações, sejam recursos humanos ou materias, e exercer o seu trabalho com a máxima transparência, certo de que somente através desta prática é capaz de angariar cada vez mais colaboradores e sustentar a credibilidade inerente à instituição idônea que é.